Saturday, May 17, 2008

Illustration Friday - Wide

Here is my Illustration Friday dealy. This was truly the first thing to pop into my head when I read this week's topic. ;-) (Thanks to Alina Chau for helping me with the correct Chinese character usage.)


Unknown said...

This is beautiful and elegant!! I love the subtle texture you apply!!

Irma said...

Wow very nice! I really love the style. The mist behind him and distant mountains is a nice touch

Lockjaw said...


Eric Barclay said...

Awesome character and I love the palette. Great work.

Connie said...

I've watched people doing these routines and you've captured the beautiful movement. I see 'wide' here.

Lucía Borjas said...

I saw you blog yesterday, now I laugh to much with your animated greeting cards, with te voice of your children, BEAUTIFUL.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

I read your bio, I want to study animation, but I live in Venezuela, we don´t have this kind of industry, :( we don´t have school to study that.

Your work it's amazing, CONGRATULATIONS!! : )

Unknown said...

nice take on the theme...

Patrick said...

You've caught a really nice quality here. And elegant, quiet background and dynamic motion. Very, very cool.