Friday, January 07, 2011

Deja Vu

Deja Vu! for Illustration friday


Unknown said...

Sick character! Haha, makes me laugh out loud. I wish I could have expressions like that. You've left the story of this guy up to the viewer, so I like to think he's looking for something. Like, his hat. He's lost his hat and he can't find it. Now he has to hike all the way back down. Funny. I love it.

nello said...

sometimes all the hills DO look the same! great illo, awesome expression.

denis mohr said...

that´s exactly my facial expression when i sense a deja vu...

Juan said...

Wonderful characte! Excellent piece!!

Eric Barclay said...

Wonderful character, textures and colors. Excellent!

Sharon said...

this piece is wonderful, & your character has so much personality!

Xiao Hong Lin said...

Great character and love the textures.